Am I Mad to Pitch?

Thirty five little words, that’s all I have at my disposal to rise above the noise and get noticed. I have written millions of words but it all boils down to this. If you are not a writer, maybe you don’t even know what I’m talking about. Well let me clue you in.

It’s every aspiring writer’s dream to sign a book deal with a literary agent/publisher. As you think about your favorite authors, they started from oblivion, just like me. The question is, how did they get published? Yes they have written some fantastic stories, but there are a lot of writers that can do that. I guess some authors got lucky, while others might have called in the proverbial marker.

There are many contests targeting the writer with the promise of getting published. Pitch Madness is one, and a favorite amongst my contemporaries. It’s held every March where literary agents vie for a chance to read your manuscript. This is a table turner. It’s usually us writers knocking on the doors of the agents.

So I’m throwing my hat in the ring for the first time and crossing my fingers. I have the first 250 words from my story, but I still have to come up with those 35 words. If you are a writer and have a completed manuscript and want to read more about this madness, go to Brenda Drake’s blog and get your hash tags ready.

Pitch Madness 2015

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